Ways to Apply Kesh King Anti Hair Fall Shampoo

When in March 2020, the lockdown was announced, it brought a learning curve, a steep learning curve for all of us. We were all struggling to not just finish the task loads and work, but also take care of ourselves and our grooming. I believe that taking care of ourselves took a backseat for most of us. Everything else started getting more attention and importance. It resulted in a hair fall.

I think Google would probably tell us that the reason for hair fall and how to stop hair fall immediately were the most searched terms. No kidding, not a single woman friend of mine didn’t suffer from this problem, neither did they stop asking each other hair growth tips. Everyone was concentrating on trying to find an anti-hair fall shampoo or an anti-dandruff shampoo, that would just prevent us from losing more hair. It truly became a hair-raising problem for all of us.

Jokes apart, it does get worrisome losing this much hair, hair oil alone doesn’t work. One needs to know the hair fall reasons. Without understanding our hair and its need for nutrition and freedom from chemicals, we can never really get to the bottom of hair fall. That is exactly what I did. I started reading a lot on the causes for hair fall, started reading about ayurveda and its impact on hair fall.  When I was reading about it, I discovered this brand called Kesh King Oil. I discovered that they had a helpline for free consultation on hair problems. I called up their helpline and they helped me understand the ayurvedic body doshas that form hair fall reasons. They then suggested a customized regime for me to answer my burning ‘how to stop hair fall’ queries.

My in-depth research earlier had already equipped me with enough knowledge which said that a mere coconut oil or any other oil wasn’t enough to prevent hair fall or stop hair fall. Healthy hair generally comes from following healthy hair tips. Our hairs need nutrition and food, like any other part of our body. The Kesh King ayurvedic shampoo and hair oil just has the right blend of all the required nutrients. The ingredients of this hair oil were a whooping mixture of 21 herbs. The 21 herbs included Bhringharaj, Java, Haritaki, Tulsi, Jatamansi, some powerful herbs for the hair. The oil was actually made according to the ayurvedic principles of Tel Pak Vidhi.

It wasn’t me who was impressed, I found out that Kesh King oil was a market leader, it had a higher following and fan base as compared to other hail oil, which I personally believe is a bit overpriced.

To stop hair fall and have hair growth, I followed a hair care regime, as established by my conversation and chats with not just their team, but also my research online. As it was a 100% and completely natural hair oil and was a completely ayurvedic shampoo, which surprisingly is certified by the Anthony Pearce Trichology, an eminent international hair institute

I went into the regime with a lot of enthusiasm, trust me stress of the heart causes fall from the scalp most as well.

One of the most difficult problems for me while thinking about using this anti hair fall oil was how would I apply it, that is because I had no help at that time and knowing I would be inept to apply it best on my own. I realized the Kesh King hair oil advantage. This came with an oil applicator, which was basically a deep root comb that helps convenient application of this ayurvedic hair oil. It not only helped apply properly, but also helped stimulate the roots and cause a deeper hair penetration.

My routine then became, I used this fabulous hair root applicator to apply hair growth oil on my roots at night, thrice a week. Then in the morning I would wash my hair with the anti-hair fall shampoo from Kesh King itself. The shampoo smelled truly wonderful, so was actually no hardship to use at all. The shampoo left my hair feeling smooth and shiny. It is generally thought that ayurvedic shampoo dries out hair and makes them dull, but Kesh King ayurvedic shampoo made my hair silky and lustrous. I did the full regime by purchasing the conditioner also from their website shop.keshking.com. Though you can purchase it from anywhere, it is also available at local kirana stores.

The regime with which I had hair growth and prevented hair loss relapsing was pretty simple. Just trusted these brilliant anti hair fall oil from Kesh King and also their ayurvedic shampoo. This reduced my hair fall, caused regrowth of hair, so now I started giving hair care tips to my friends and family. I literally became the ambassador for Kesh King oil. I have now understood the power of ayurveda and ayurvedic hair oil. If I could show you how beautiful my hair looks right now. Not only are they again becoming thicker, they are more smooth, manageable, and lustrous.

This perfect blend of herbs in the hair fall is so safe that a friend of mine, who had just delivered a baby girl in the lockdown, started using it and is amazed with the results too. She is such a big fan of the Kesh King ayurvedic shampoo. So much so, that even her husband is using it. It seems to be the answer to how to control hair fall in men as well.

Well to cut my long story short, I would suggest that if you are suffering from hair fall and are looking for hair fall reasons, then the answer is changing our lifestyle and forming a good hair care regime. Hair regrowth is possible, very much so. Using a good ayurvedic shampoo and preceding it with ayurvedic hair oil application helps. My experience with Kesh King has been fabulous, in case you have used it too, let me know how your experience was with it.


Disclaimer: This post is written in association with Kesh King. The hair growth tips and suggestions shared are solely basis the author’s personal experience and in no way can be a substitute for any medical advice. It is always advisable to consult the right doctor if you are facing severe hair loss and other problems. Kesh King does not hold any rights to the thoughts, opinions, and images shared in the article.