How to Choose the Best Hair Fall Shampoo?

Everyone I know, myself included, have experienced hair fall at some point in our lives and most of us are left feeling helpless when it happens. In today’s times, dealing with unnatural hair fall seems almost inevitable. You can blame it on our diet, lifestyle or simply the work-related stress hair fall reasons are aplenty. Our stagnant lifestyle has ensured that we don’t eat nutritious food, sleep on time or move our bodies enough, all of which are major causes of hair fall.

Now although the experts say that it’s normal to lose around 100 hair on a daily basis, the idea of losing that much hair everyday cumulatively means you are losing around 3000 hair on a monthly basis and 36,500 hair on a yearly basis. That’s a lot of hair fall and if it continues for years you will be left with almost no hair by the time you are old. So no matter what studies say, you should take actionable steps to control hair fall.

But I get it, it’s not easy to control hair fall but it’s not impossible either. With a few changes in your lifestyle/diet and by choosing the right hair fall shampoo you can totally stop your hair from falling so much. And that’s where the Kesh King Ayurvedic Anti Hairfall Shampoo comes in.

So how do you go about choosing the right hair fall shampoo and if necessary hair growth shampoo that’s best suited for your hair? For that it’s very important to understand your hair type. Do you have oily hair or dry hair? Is your hair falling out from the roots or is it breaking in the middle? Is dandruff causing your hair to fall out? Take some time out to analyse your hair in front of the mirror and understand the root cause. Once you understand the root cause, it’s very easy to choose a hair fall shampoo that’s best suited for you.

If you have oily hair, excessive grease build up can cause excessive hair fall. That is why it is very important to choose a shampoo and conditioner that’s formulated to clean your scalp thoroughly. It’s also important to wash your hair every 2-3 days once to avoid excessive grease from building up. When grease builds up at your roots, it can clog your hair follicles thus leading your roots to become weak and finally leading to hair fall. But, even when you have oily hair, it’s important to use a conditioner every time you wash your hair. Conditioner reintroduces moisture back to your hair after a wash and ensures it is thoroughly strengthened which will prevent hair breakage. Kesh King Ayurvedic Conditioner could be the solution for you.

If you have dry hair, dehydration can be a major cause that leads to brittle hair which ultimately leads to excessive hair fall. Choosing Kesh King shampoo and conditioner will help hydrate your roots and keep your hair from falling out. It’s also important to wash your hair less frequently, I would suggest once a week. Let your natural oil buildup and hydrate your hair from the roots to ensure your hair doesn’t become too brittle. Also, never forget to condition your hair every time you wash it to reintroduce those oils back. This will strengthen your hair follicles and keep them from falling out.

If Dandruff is the reason for hairfall, then choosing a shampoo and conditioner that’s formulated to fight dandruff is very important. Kesh King Ayurvedic Shampoo is quite useful. Market is flooded with shampoos that are formulated to treat dandruff specifically. Choose wisely and wash your hair at least twice a week to reduce dandruff and that will automatically control hair fall. Again, do not forget to condition your hair after every wash.

Apart from understanding your hair type, another factor to keep in mind while choosing an anti hair fall shampoo is the formulation itself. Shampoos that are free of sulphates, parabens and harmful chemicals will go a long way in ensuring good hair health. That is why it’s very important to read the description and ingredient list on the shampoo before buying it. Harmful chemicals are known to cause severe hair fall. Thankfully, these days, due to the extensive awareness among the consumers, it’s quite easy to find shampoos that are formulated without sulfites, parabens and other harmful chemicals.

You can also choose the Ayurvedic route and choose an Ayurvedic shampoo for stopping hair fall. Ayurvedic shampoos are made of many Ayurvedic Herbs that have been researched over centuries to prevent hair fall. It has ancient Indian science backing it up and has been vouched for by our grandmothers for centuries. Who better to trust than our ancestors for beauty secrets right? But here again, even if it’s ayurveda, it is very important to choose a shampoo that is free of parabens and harmful chemicals and also that which will suit your hair type specifically.

Apart from choosing the right shampoo, it is also important to choose the right hair oil. I always prefer organic chemical free oil. It is important to oil your hair at least once a week with an organic, chemical free oil to ensure blood flows to your follicles which will in turn help in strengthening your roots and preventing hair fall in the long run. Gently massaging hair oil to your roots does not only rush blood to them but also is therapeutic in nature which helps relieve stress which is another major cause for hair fall.

Apart from choosing the right hair products, it is important to choose a healthy lifestyle to – eat a balanced diet, take your supplements, sleep on time, eat on time, exercise regularly, spend time in nature, meditate to manage stress and generally be happy. A happy mind and body will go a long way in ensuring a happy healthy hair.

You can check out my blog for more tips on haircare and skincare. I have covered multiple topics related to beauty for the past 7 years and continue to journal my research there.

That’s it from my end, happy and healthy hair folks.


Disclaimer: This post is written in association with Kesh King. The hair growth tips and suggestions shared are solely basis the author’s personal experience and in no way can be a substitute for any medical advice. It is always advisable to consult the right doctor if you are facing severe hair loss and other problems. Kesh King does not hold any rights to the thoughts, opinions, and images shared in the article.