When we talk about dry scalp, it’s nothing but a symptom of dandruff and many other hair causes. More than half the population deals with dry scalp or dandruff related issues. It is a disturbing problem as it doesn’t only affect physically by itching and irritation but also affects a person psychologically as irritated scalp and dry flakes can make a person feel self-conscious and impact on their confidence to step out in a group of people. This condition can also affect the quality of their hair growth.
Let me explain y’all what is dry scalp and dandruff. Some people tend to mistake both to be one issue but they are two different conditions.
What is the difference between dandruff and dry scalp?
Dandruff and dry scalp, both tend to make our head scalp feel itchy and flaky. If the symptoms for an individual are severe, they may scratch their scalp more often, which tends to cause redness and irritated scalp in regular terms. It is recommended not to scratch scalp as this might tend to worsen the infection and may infect hair follicles.
What is dandruff?
Dandruff occurs when your scalp is dry, itchy and gets all flaky. If you have dandruff, you will notice little white flakes of your scalp in-between your hair or on your shoulders when you run your hands through your hair. The scalp starts feeling oily, itchiness is more even when the hair isn’t that dry and makes the hair look greasy.
What is a dry scalp?
Dry scalp is when the scalp doesn’t have enough oil on the scalp surface to feel lubricated. As the skin tends to get dry, this causes the scalp to get easily irritated, makes a person itch the scalp and the flakes are produced as a result of this. This also makes a person’s hair look dry and dead. These aren’t like dandruff flakes; they tend to be smaller in size.
While these distressing scalp issues have different causes, they tend to lead to hair thinning, severe hair loss, mentally stress and many other concerns like this. Thankfully there is a way to tackle this problem before it gets out of hand. Incorporating the right hair care routine and healthy habits is very important, sometimes simple methods like not drinking enough water, change of weather or washing hair at regular intervals can make a big difference. Though there are medical conditions like eczema or psoriasis could also be the reason for it. No matter what the reason could be there is a solution to everything! Dry skin or dry scalp issues can be treated with the help of oil, massaging the oil into the skin can have several benefits which we aren’t aware about.
I grew up in a family where we preach about using hair oil and the benefits it has in the long run, as a kid I refused to follow up but as I grew older, I realised the importance of hair oil and their importance.
Recently when I started facing dry scalp issues, I was really worried about how to tackle this so I started looking up on the internet like anyone else would do. One needs to know the reason for their drying scalp. It could be due to stress, weather change, harsh chemicals in hair products or other reasons. Without understanding and knowing the root cause to this problem, we can never really get to solve this reoccurring trouble. If the irritation is excessive, it’s always better to consult a doctor and then take any home treatment.
When you look up hair oils, you will come across a bunch of them like Coconut oil, argan oil, almond oil. The list of oils is never ending! The truth here is, whether we talk about skincare or hair care, oils have an essential role to play.
But with so many different oils out there in the market and having different benefits for each, how do you even know which is the right one to buy?
We dive straight into the world of hair oils, outlining how certain oil can combat several issues like dryness, frizziness, dandruff, itchiness, hair fall. Yes all in one!
After reading a bunch of articles and reviews of several products I came across Kesh King Oil. I discovered that they have a helpline for free consultation on hair problems. Which just made my life easier, as it gets hectic to go out and consult someone during pandemic. Some people might even neglect it, no please don’t do that. Take the consultation online as it’s free of cost as well. I called up their helpline and they helped me understand my hair concern and how to tackle this issue internally and externally. Internal issues can be resolved by taking care of health and consuming the right kind of food. It is possible for a diet low in vitamins and minerals to have negative effects on hair growth which is led by dry scalping. In terms of long-term nutrient deficiencies, you may even begin to notice hair breakage, thinning, excessive dry scalp and severe hair loss. I would suggest you guys fix your diet first and then jump to oil care.
While externally it could be treated by using Kesh King Hair Oil and hair products which goes deep into the root and moisturises the deep ends of hair follicles.
Today there are thousands of hair oil products in the market. They all claim to solve the hair problems. But there is always a risk of side effects due to chemicals used in the oil. Reading the contents and reviews before going ahead with any product is helpful. I usually tend to read the ingredients before going ahead and purchasing any products.
Kesh King ayurvedic medicinal oil contains several herbal ingredients, this oil comes with no side effects. It doesn’t just nourish the dry scalp but also helps in hair fall issues, by making your hair stronger and promotes hair growth.

So, is Kesh King Hair oil better than other herbal hair oils found in the market?
Kesh King Hair Oil is a 100% Ayurvedic, natural and safe product. It is the only oil and shampoo certified by Anthony Pearce Trichology, an eminent international hair institute. Contains the goodness of 21 Ayurvedic herbs like Bhringraja, Amalaki, Methi, Brahmi, Japa, Lodhra, Manjistha, Jatamansi etc
Why is Ayurvedic Hair Oil important?
One of the major reasons for hair damage is usage of products with strong chemicals. Constant usage of oil or shampoo with strong chemicals, over a period of time, can dry up the scalp which changes the texture of the hair and tends to weaken the roots.
Ayurvedic hair oils are herbal and made from natural ingredients. The best way to revive your hair is to replace any chemical laden product with Ayurvedic oil or shampoo.
How to use Kesh King Oil?
Apply oil with the tips of your fingers on to your scalp and massage it gently enabling it to penetrate into the roots of your hair. Don’t apply with your palms and never rub it vigorously as it may uproot weak hair. Regular application and massaging the scalp will give you desired results. Let the oil gradually seep into the follicles of your hair & nourish them.

It takes at least 3 weeks to show visible results. So be patient to get good results after using the hair oil. Use the Kesh King Hair oil in combination with Kesh King Ayurvedic Shampoo and conditioner for best results.
You can check out my blog thebluntofombre.wordpress.com for more tips on haircare and skincare or follow me on Instagram @the_blunt_of_ombre I have been sharing content about fashion, beauty and lifestyle for 6 years now.
Hope this blog helped you guys, Happy and healthy hair folks!