Hair Thinning in Women? Yes, it happens but it is different from Hair Thinning in Men. Majority of men face severe hair thinning that results in huge hair loss and then going bald. But in women it is different, they don’t go bald but the hair volume decreases to a great extent due to hair loss. Thankfully, Hair Thinning in Women can be cured.
Why Does It Happen?
Hair Thinning in Women is related to Hair Loss. But why does it happen? Women need to understand the main cause of hair thinning. It can be due to various reasons like:
1. Taking Medication
If you are taking some medication then hair thinning can be a reaction to it. Back in 2018, my cousin was having PCOS. She was on medication which made her hair thin. She got stressed and it made it even worse. But luckily, her doctor caught hold of the root cause of hair thinning and now she has such beautiful, voluminous hair. One thing she didn’t miss out was her hair growth oil. She started oiling hair twice a week and saw great results. Hair thinning can also become worse with medical conditions like thyroid, hormonal shifts, pregnancy, eczema, psoriasis, menopause, etc.
2. Treating Hair Too Often
Who doesn’t want to be fashionable with the latest trends? Hence, women end up treating hair with harmful chemicals to colour them or get styled too often but do you know it affects your hair a lot? Doing such activities too often damage your hair and it can lead to hair loss or hair thinning. But how to tackle it? Do definitely need hair growth oil for women like Kesh King Ayurvedic Oil that comes with an in-built massager and helps to apply oil to the roots. With regular usage, it helps to control hair fall, hair thinning and promotes new hair growth.

3. Stress and Lifestyle
Majority of us go through various stresses in our life, but do you know it can lead to hair thinning or hair loss? Yes, back in 2017, I was going through a rough phase and my hair suffered a lot. It has about 60% thinner hair! Imagine how I would have felt! I always thought that I would soon go bald and won’t have hair but I made up my mind and made a few lifestyle changes to solve the problem. It took me 1 year to get my hair back to normal and I am now taking good care of them with Kesh King Anti-Hairfall Shampoo. It is loaded with 21 Ayurvedic Herbs that reduces hair fall, makes hair silky, smooth and shiny.

4. Genetical
Blame it on our genes! When women face hair thinning issues due to genes then they may notice a widened part at the top of the head in their 40s or 50s. This can be due to genes of your both parents or one among them. This can be controlled if you take care of your hair from the beginning or from your 20s, use hair growth oil for women that will prepare your scalp to grow new hair and reduce hair loss. You should also include some proteins, vitamin c in your daily diet to make hair better. Always remember that genetic medical conditions cannot be fully avoided without medical help. So, never hesitate to consult your doctor.
How to Control Hair Thinning?
You need to take care of your body from inside as well as outside.
1. Eat a healthy and balanced diet that will provide essential nutrients inside your body and reduce the risk of hair thinning.
2. Invest in good ayurvedic hair care products like Kesh King Hair Oil, Hair Shampoo, Conditioner and Capsule. This is a complete regime that will take care of your hair from outside.

3. Don’t style your hair too often. Styling hair once a week or in ten days is fine. Also, avoid using a hair dryer to dry your wet hair. Let them air dry. You can also take any hair growth oil for women, warm it up on your palms and apply from mid length till the end. This reduces frizz and makes your hair silky soft.
4. If hair thinning is not being controlled by medication then you can go for Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) Injections. The doctor draws out your blood, divides it into various components and then combines with high concentrated platelets which are injected into your body. The growth factor in PRPs helps to control severe hair thinning. Though this is a temporary solution as you need to follow up with a session after every few months.
5. Technology has gone too far and we have low-level LED laser lights that help in hair growth. This is less harmful as compared to PRPs but costlier than them.
6. You can also try hair transplantation but it is a very expensive procedure. It gives good results if the tests go right as it’s not meant for all. And if you are still looking for another option then you can wear wigs or even get hair extensions – be it temporary or permanent. This helps women to hair volume in hair without worrying about hair thinning too much.

At last, I would conclude by saying, “Science and Technology have gone too far, so we have many options for Hair Thinning in Women. But if you detect the problem, control it, treat it at the right time then you would not face severe hair thinning issues. Invest in good hair growth oil for women and wash your hair with an Ayurvedic shampoo that doesn’t contain toxic chemicals.”
Disclaimer: This article is written in association with Kesh King. The hair thinning remedies, suggestions and tips are shared solely based on the author’s personal experiences. It cannot be a substitute for any medical advice for severe hair thinning. It is always advisable to consult the right doctor if you are facing severe hair thinning or any other problem related to your hair. Kesh King does not hold any rights to the thoughts, opinions, suggestions and images shared in the article.